Dental Services
Our staff have obtained advanced dental training to provide your pet with the most thorough oral examination and treatment in the safest way possible.
Excellent oral care is essential to the well-being of your pet. Prolonged tartar and ginvitis may progress to more serious disease, causing bacteria to enter into your pet’s blood stream. Your pet’s overall health and longevity may be impacted.
We offer regular dental check-ups and can provide you with preventative care suggestions for your pet’s oral health.
Our dental services include full oral assessments (including probing and dental charting), ultrasonic cleaning and polishing, digital dental X-rays, surgical extractions, and minor oral surgery.
Are x-rays really needed?
Dental x-rays provide invaluable information about your pet’s oral health. The tooth may look normal externally, but there is often significant disease below the gingiva, which an x-ray may reveal.
Dental x-rays are recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association and are considered an essential part of your pet’s oral health assessment.